Who we are

Mc Solution is an IT Engineering Services Company founded with the aim of providing companies with scalable, efficient and lower cost tools, to optimise their activity and adapt it to new information and communication technologies.

The competitiveness of our rates combined with the reliability of our solutions will allow you to enjoy a quality of service excellence.

MC solution guarantees proximity support, from commissioning to support.

Simplicity, listening, support.

Access to the Services:

Access to the Services is via a connection using the Internet protocol (whether or not provided by Mc Solution) or via a local access provider as part of the pre-selection.

Technical support

In case of malfunction of the Services, must send an email to

support@mc-solution.fr by precisely describing the malfunction in order to monitor the intervention by our ticket management tool. He can contact the technical support of Mc Solution 24h/ 24, 7 days a week by phone on the following number: +33 01 30 38 40 40. This number is transferred to the on-call mobile phone outside working hours. The technical support makes use of all the means at its disposal to assist the customer in the resolution of his difficulties.

Guarantee of availability:

Mc Solution is committed to an Availability Rate of its platform of 99.9%. In case of non-compliance with this commitment, the late penalties will be equivalent to 20% of the monthly fee for services, excluding communications.

Recovery Time Guarantee:

In the event of a failure on its platform, Mc Solution undertakes to restore the service in less than 4 hours. In case of non-compliance with this commitment, the late penalties will be equivalent to 20% of the monthly fee for services, excluding communications.

The availability and recovery times will be calculated from the opening of the incident sent to technical support by email (support@mc-solution.fr).

Planned maintenance: Mc Solution may, with 24 hours notice, initiate planned maintenance on the platform between 2 am and 6 am. The Customer will be notified by simple email.